- Money Orders
- Night Deposit Box
- Deposits by Mail
- Notary Service
- Automobile Blue Book Evaluation Guides (N.A.D.A)
Call: 616.842.6320
Tri-Cities Credit Union's Tool Box
Money at your fingertips. With an ATM Card you can:
- Withdraw cash
- Make deposits
- Inquire about account balances
Using the mobile deposit option on the TCCU App allows you to deposit checks from anywhere simply by using your smartphone!
Use it at an ATM to withdraw cash or pay for groceries at the store! Stop in and apply for your Debit Card today!
By using our Audio Response system, all you need is a touch-tone telephone. This system provides account information instantly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with the push of a button. This system is FREE to all TCCU members.
- Just dial 1-888-278-5799
With Direct Deposit, your paycheck is in your account no matter where you are. Social Security, pension, and retirement checks are also direct deposited into your account. Plus, with 24-hour access to your TCCU account, what could be easier?
E-Statements from Tri-Cities Credit Union are a great way to get your statement early! While members who receive their statement by mail must wait 4-8 business days to receive their monthly statement, e-statement users receive their statement 3-4 business days earlier! Also, the past 12 months of your statement history are stored in your Online Banking! Plus, TCCU pays you $0.10 each month you receive an e-statement!
For mortgage member services, call TCCU at 616-842-6320, or JoAnn in our mortgage department directly at 616-481-2654.
Tri Cities Credit Union NMLS #746427
By saving part of each paycheck automatically with Payroll Deduction, you can add to your savings account, pay on your loan balance, or add to your Christmas Club Account!
At Tri-Cities Credit Union, we want you to have peace of mind when it comes to your identity. Sign up for ID Protect & take advantage of credit monitoring & more!
For only $2 a month, you get:
- Free blended credit report from all 3 bureaus that updates every 90 days or at the receipt of a credit alert
- Daily credit file monitoring and alerts of any changes to your credit report
- Monitoring of over 1,000 databases, including social security, public records, etc.
- Debit and credit card alerts
- Up to $10,000 insurance policy to cover any out-of-pocket costs that come up while trying to restore your identity.
ATM Locations
Surcharge-free access to your money, almost anywhere!
CO-OP’s nearly 30,000 ATMs means you have more direct, surcharge-free* access to your money than most traditional bank customers do.