What is going on with the TCCU APP on Android Devices?

Tri-Cities Credit Union is in the process of restoring our TCCU APP to the Google Play Store.

For the last few weeks we have been working with Google in order to secure we have the proper credentials in place to continue our service.  We have also been working with our IT collective to make sure are are doing everything right.  While we have done everything that is required in a timely manner, we have hit a delay with Google.

In recent years, Google has stepped up security measures to curtail “bad actors” and piracy.  These measures while extremely effective, often, as is our case, make it much more difficult for legitimate organizations to renew their service agreements.  This is where we are today.

We are currently appealing to Google for a way to rectify the situation and return our APP to the Play Store.  There is also a contingency plan in place if this service interruption continues.  Rest assured, the APP will return to Google as soon as we possibly can. 

To those members who have Android phones and already have the TCCU APP, it works properly with all functions available.  To those who have Android phones and want to download it, at this moment they cannot.  They will need to go to tricu.org on their mobile devices and handle their banking from the site.  Please be aware some features such as mobile depost and “card freeze” are not available through tricu.org.

Our IT collective tells us this has been a very common problem for financial institutions over the last few years and while time consuming, it can be fixed. 

Members with Apple Phones are not affected as the TCCU APP is still available in their APP store.

Tri-Cities Credit Union apologizes for any inconvenience and we appreciate your understanding!